
In Biometa Tecnología y Sistemas, S.A. we offer the technological solutions that your company needs.

With in our Industry and Biomedical divisions, apart from our various products that are offered by our different divisions we also offer specific researching, customised projects for your company needs and technical support about possible solutions that best adapt within your company or organization.

technical assistance

Those companies represented by Biometa Tecnología y Sistemas, selected among the most prestigious companies in the world along the years, rely on tight quality controls in all process related to manufacturing, distribution and technical support of their products.


These companies have placed their trust on us to be their representatives in Spain, which guarantee and reinforce our daily quality compromise and service with you, our client..


In Biometa Tecnología y Sistemas we provide an excellent technical assistance service, which includes high expertise professionals. We guarantee not only the implementation and set up of our equipment but we will be at your side at every moment, and especially when you most need us.


In Biometa Biometa Tecnología y Sistemas we have available a wide commercial net and technical assistance service, which covers all national territory.

In our sites we give training courses, aimed at those users of your organization that may need to be trained on the use or management of your applications and equipment installed by Biometa Tecnología y Sistemas.

For more information about our company please contact us.